Malin Galaxy Timeline

The Great Generation Ships arrive in Malin Galaxy bringing humans to the galaxy.

The Jump Gates go online. Interstellar travel is now fast and easy between star systems.

Shigaru Hayashi forms the Hayashi Fabrication Company. He builds terraforming equipment to assist the great colonizing rush of humanity’s new home worlds.

The Hayashi Fabrication Company becomes the Hayashi Corporation. The Hayashi Corporation stakes claim of the Zone 3 A Star System.

Tartarus Unlimited breaks off from the Hayashi Corporation after a dispute. Tartarus Unlimited becomes a powerful company colonizing their own star systems.

The Alawi War (The First Colonial War) Begins.

The Formation of Mocaw Industries. Due to the needs of both the Corporations and Unincorporated Planets, Mocaw Industries is created to supply all parties with weapons and machinery.

The Formation of the United Republics of Malin Galaxy from the Unincorporated Planets. The War continues between Hayashi, Tartarus, and the newly formed Republics.

The Formation of the Collective Corporate Colonies as a response to the formation of the formation of the Republics of Malin Galaxy.

The destruction of the Herschel Generators. This ends the great era of colonization in the galaxy. The loss of the Herschel generators means no longer can planets be wholly terraformed into habitable worlds for humans.

Founding of the Order of Epoch Monks. In response to the horror of losing humanity’s best tools for creating desolate rocks into habitable worlds, the Order of Epoch Monks is established to catalogue and track life forms across the galaxy. The monks believe it’s their duty to factor this information into The Great Algorithm to better understand the Creator’s plans.

The Boundary Resolution and establishment of the Jump Gate Authority. This concludes the Alawi War.

Temple-Palisade Correctional Facility comes online. An entire space station dedicated to housing the galaxy’s worst pirates and offenders.

The formation of Hoatzin Combine. Mining Corporation out of the Tonatiuh System

Temple-Palisade Rebellion. The prison riot successfully turns the station into a free port run by a Collective Pirate Republic.

The Trade Accord between the Hayashi Corporation and United Republics of Malin Galaxy is established.

The Arrival of Voyager 1 caught on a tail of a Seam Rider vessel. The disk is badly damaged and not much information remained viable. The relic is put on display in a museum on First Rock in the Emergence System.

Alliance between United Republics of Malin Galaxy and the Ra’adi Empire.

Battle for Parth. Conflict between Tartarus Unlimited and United Republics, the Republics suffer horrific losses and territory during this conflict.

The Messier’s World II Action. This conflict between The United Republics of Malin Galaxy and Tartarus Unlimited results in the destruction of the neutral world, Messier’s World II. An astroid belt remains in its place in the Malus System.

End of the Trade Accord between Hayashi Corporation and United Republics of Malin Galaxy.

The Formation of the Free Independent Planets Trade Block.

Battle for Vela II. The United Republics holds territory over the contested worlds.

Caeros Uprising. Mocaw Industries backs a coup on the Republic’s world. After a great struggle, order is returned to Caeros.

Guerrilla organization known as the Nameless Warriors take control of Zwicky, establish blockade around the Messier World II asteroid belt.